宵夜佳選—健康河粉Late night supper—— Healthy Cup Noodles

 [Mr.Lee’s 雞肉椰子喇沙湯河粉 $37]

Mr.Lee’s 雞肉椰子喇沙湯河粉 $37

Mr.Lee’s 雞肉椰子喇沙湯河粉 $37Mr.Lee’s 雞肉椰子喇沙湯河粉 $37



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呢個杯麵聲稱無添加味精,274卡路里,而且仲係無麩質(Gluten Free),入面嘅配菜有雞肉、椰菜花同四季豆,佢嘅配菜都真係幾好食🤤唔似平時一般杯麵嘅配菜隻味咁假,椰菜花同四季豆嘅脆感令成個杯麵嘅口感更加豐富🤩。

This cup noodle claim that it has excluded monosodium Glutamate (MSG), the calories of the hold cup noodle is 274 with real chunks of meat, real veggies. The cup noodle's side dish includes crunchy cauliflower, green beans, which provide a crumbly texture🤩.

For the soup, the taste of the soup is light. I could not find out the taste of the coconut. However, the taste of laksa is sweet with a little spicy. According to the seller, even though you finish the cup noodle with the soup, the calories would not exceed 300!

For the noodles, I prepared the noodle for 3 minutes, which is the company's suggested time. However, I still think that it is quite hard. If a soft texture is preferred, it is recommended to prepare the noodle for more than 3 minutes.


補充資料:香港有得賣嘅Mr. Lee’s 嘅杯麵一共有4種口味,全部都係低卡路里㗎!

Additional Information: In Hong Kong, Mr.Lee's cup noodles consist of four tastes in total, all of them are low calories!
💫Coconut Chicken Laksa(the most popular)
💫 Tai Chi Chicken
💫 Zen Garden Vegetables
💫Hong Kong Street Beef 
If you are interested in these cup noodles, go and visit their website:


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